
Monday, November 23, 2015

Random Updates at Home

We've had plenty of outings over the last few days, but I thought I'd highlight some of the more mundane moments. Here's what our "down time" looks like with four kids ages 2-4.

MiMi restocked the kids' dress up collection with discounted costumes after Halloween. As soon as Jackson comes home, he begins his series of wardrobe changes into pajamas and costumes.

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Play-doh has been a big hit lately. It can buy the trio an hour of play time. I started using it during speech therapy to work on naming colors, shapes, and various adjectives. I've been sitting on the floor with them, using cookie cutters, garlic press, and whatever other kitchen gadgets we have. I don't let them use it unsupervised yet because I'm still OCD about mixing the colors.

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James has been entertaining himself by playing in the sink. His two favorite things are trains and playing in the water. One day I let him wash all his trains, which led to a very happy boy.

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Over the weekend Jesse and I attempted to organize the tubs of clothes. We gratefully accept all clothes given to us by many friends, but we are awful at sorting them. This particular pile represented a hodgepodge of 12 month--4T boy and girl clothes. We had Maddie stand in the pile for a size reference. We've almost finished sorting and switching out the closet bins for winter wardrobe.

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The trio are stubbornly independent these days and have become quite resourceful. They climb chairs and stools to get most anything they want. 

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Amelia has returned to interrupted sleep patterns. More nights than not, she's in our bed. If/when we leave her to cry, she wakes Maddie and James and we have three screaming toddlers. As soon as we bring her in our bed, she sleeps peacefully. While it's an inconvenience to wake up with a foot in my mouth or head on my shoulder, it still allows us more sleep this way.

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Not pictured is our high chair dilemma. The girls are completely over sitting in high chairs. Meals have been a headache lately, between picky eaters and not having enough places to sit. We'd like to get a bench for the kids to sit that we can just push under the table after dinner. I suppose we should be thankful the girls have cooperated this long.

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Jackson has been pretty helpful taking initiative lately. He especially enjoys meal prep and often asks what he can do. He takes his tasks very seriously and is always proud of his work. FYI, I know it looks like he's about to grate his finger off in this picture, but there's a good inch of cheese between his finger and the grater. I did a lot of modeling and guided practice first.

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Maddie is still hoarding food. For the past few Sundays, she's requested the entire serving plate of pancakes. She's so territorial of all food! Our little IUGR baby must still be making up for stolen nutrients in the womb.

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Those are the miscellaneous updates I can think of right now. We have just begun a very busy Thanksgiving week with family get-togethers scheduled on three different days. It should be a joyful week!

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