
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Robinson Fall Festival

Friday evening we convened at my aunt and uncle's house (just two doors down from my childhood home) to celebrate everything we love about fall. They live on a very large plot of land and host our annual family gathering every October. We eat, go on a hayride, run around the vast fields, and make s'mores around a bonfire. And we're surrounded by my favorite people the entire time. It's impossible not to have a good time!

The only downside is the drive. It took a solid hour in rush hour traffic to get to my aunt's house. Despite being late, we still weren't the last ones there. We feasted on pizza and chicken strips upon arrival.

Cousins ate and played together in random locations.

I hardly held my own children the entire evening. They were happy to be loved on by their aunts, uncles, and older cousins.

My sisters and I took the obligatory selfie. When will technology advance to allow flashes during selfies?

In addition to the standard Fall Festival activities, we celebrated my niece's 5th birthday. This was semi-depressing, because it means my nephew will turn 5 in March, then Jackson will turn 5 in April. This growing up is completely unacceptable!

Every last Nutter Butter was eaten, along with cookies and cupcakes for M's birthday.

I have no idea why Jackson wore his Thor costume, but I love how much he enjoys dress-up clothes! He spent most of the evening playing with his cousin.

As the sun set, we broke out the glow-sticks and prepared for the hayride.

Unlike last year, James loved the hayride. He sat in my oldest sister's lap and happily took in all his surroundings. The girls were less amused. Thankfully they had blankies, pacifiers, and older cousins to comfort them.

It looked a bit like a rave between all the glow-sticks and camera flashes.

Jackson sat in the very front of the trailer, behind the tractor. He wouldn't let me snuggle him, nor would he accept a blanket. I miss my affectionate boy! I guess it's a good thing I was able to cuddle with Jesse.

S'mores were next on the agenda. Yum!

Jackson went with my siblings on one more hayride while Jesse and I cleaned the trio and changed them into pajamas. We were all captivated by the strangely green flames.

It was a fun excuse to stay up late. The kids slept in the car and easily transitioned to their beds once home. It was another fun fall fest!

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