
Monday, December 14, 2015

Breakfast with Santa and Evening Parade

Saturday was a busy day surrounded by family and holiday cheer. We spent the morning eating pancakes with Jesse's family. 

My brother and sister-in-law's church hosts an annual Breakfast with Santa that includes many crafts, in addition to breakfast and photo opportunity with Santa.

Jackson spent 90% of his time completing the variety of crafts.While all his other cousins ran around the gym and played, Jackson happily colored and created ornaments.

The triplets were continuously fed candy and treats by their family members.

Santa was well received by the older boys...

but not so much by the girls. Amelia and Maddie declared, "No Santa" as we approached him. In fact, Maddie screamed and buried her head in my chest as soon as Santa walked in the room. Santa yelled, "Ho ho ho" and Amelia said, "Santa loud" and covered her ears.

We still managed to get the annual photo of MiMi and PaPa with all their grandkids. (I couldn't back up any further without sitting on a stranger's breakfast, so PaPa's head is a bit cutoff.)

Jesse and I took a divide and conquer approach for Saturday afternoon. I took the girls grocery shopping. He took the boys Christmas shopping (for their cousins). We came home. He cleaned. I wrapped presents. It was nonstop. 

We had plans to meet Jesse's family in Kannapolis for the evening Christmas parade. Jesse had won a K&W gift card through the radio, so we planned to use that before the parade. While eating, we kept getting texts from his mom telling us roads were blocked and parking was going to be a mess. Everything was too rushed to be enjoyable. I put food in to-go boxes, cleaned up, and paid. It wasn't until we left that Jesse reminded me about the gift card. Ugh! I'm not having luck with these things lately!

Of course, Jesse's mother was right. Parking was a headache. Jesse ended up dropping the kids and I off while he parked. Eventually we joined his family, who had graciously saved us curbside seats. It's always fun to see all the cousins together.

I had never attended an evening parade. It was a lot of fun to see the bright floats and hear the numerous marching bands and performers.

Amelia joined her older cousins, waving at passing floats and dancing along to the music.

Maddie spent most of her time being held. James literally spent the entire time eating! All of the kids were excited and animated when they saw recognizable characters.

How sweet are these girls?

Not only did the kids receive candy tossed onto the streets, they received balls, toothbrushes from a dentist office, and actual toys from the YMCA. Maddie left the comfort of her MiMi's arms to show us her new doll.

It was a long, satisfying Saturday preparing for Christmas.

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