
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

DPK: Gingerbread Edition

It's been two years since I bought a family membership to Discovery Place museum. The first time I ever took the kids to the museum was for the Gingerbread workshop. I really wanted to explore uptown today, but it was raining. I was relieved to see the gingerbread activities listed on the event page of the museum website. I'm so glad we didn't miss it. The kids were able to decorate cookies, drink hot chocolate, color chefs hats, and roll/cut out gingerbread man ornaments. 

Taking his icing role seriously
Tiny sprinkles

5 seconds before she spilled her cup of hot chocolate

The only one to dip his cookie in his hot chocolate

Handsome Jack

I caught Amelia by surprise

After all that fun, we still played in the museum for another hour.

Our membership is up for renewal in a few weeks. Even though I'm going back to work next year, it would be a long winter without being able to frequent the museums. 

1 comment:

  1. Amelia looks so much older lately in your pictures! I wish Brycen didn't have school M-W-F so we could join you on a Wednesday outing!
