
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Rainy Days and Aquarium

We've received so much rain in the past week. It's frustrating because it's late December and in the 70's, so it seems like we should be outside. 

The kids are entertained by watching the rain and storms. It's even warm enough to leave the door open.

The warm thunderstorms may be preventing outdoor fun, but they're not stopping us from leaving the house. Jackson and I made last minute plans to meet one of his friends at the rec center for some indoor play. I let Jackson choose a sibling to join us. He picked Amelia. Jackson and his friend were too fast and high up to photograph, so I'll just include Amelia hamming it up.

We later met a few friends at the aquarium. I have taken the kids a few times over the past year, but this was Jesse's first experience. The only reason we went was because it was "Toddler Tuesday" and we received discounted admission. The aquarium was overly crowded and hot, and it was late in the afternoon. This made for three clingy toddlers. Overall, it wasn't the most enjoyable experience for anyone. Here were the few better moments of our afternoon at the aquarium.

Touch tank, or as James' prefers to think of it--wave pool

"Happy fish!"

The only time Maddie didn't need to be carried was in a behind the scenes area

tiny tunnel (Jackson is on his knees)

At least one kid has blue eyes

Pretty much sums up our afternoon


  1. We are parents to triplet girls one month younger than your trips, we so much love reading your blog. Totally in awe of your energy. We wish all of your family a wonderful New year.

    1. Aww, thank you so much. As you know, triplet toddlers require a ton of energy! Hope 2016 is filled with lots of love, laughter, and adventure for your family. Thanks for reading.
