
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Goals for a Happier, Healthier Year

I can't help but to generate some kind of resolution list with the New Year. I'm a sucker for fresh starts. Here are several goals I'd like to accomplish and habits I'd like to create in 2016.

1. Find a job that makes me excited about going back to work.
Most of the teaching positions won't be posted for another two months, but I'm updating my resume and working on applications now. I'm also considering options outside the classroom.

2. Let Jackson celebrate his 5th birthday in a special way. Whether he wants a kid party for the first time or to go on a special trip, we'll do our best to make that happen. I'd also like to make a photo book sharing photos from every month from his first five years.

3. Lose 40 lbs before my 30th birthday.
Let's be honest; I have a hell of a lot more than 40 lbs to lose. However, if I lose 1-2 lbs per week for the next six months, I will celebrate my birthday 40 lbs lighter. If that happens, I'd like to think I would continue losing weight after July. One of the ways I plan to stay motivated is by participating in a 6 month DietBet challenge. I participated in a version of this in 2010 and was very successful.

2. Hire a photographer to take a family photo shoot (ideally late summer/early fall)
With the exception of a very stiff, posed photo for the church directory, we haven't had family pictures since 2012 (pre triplets). I would love to have an outdoor photo shoot in the late summer to capture our family with two 30 year olds, a 5 year old, and three 3 year olds.

5. Eat more produce (particularly vegetables) and less processed foods.
This should be an easy goal, but it is so, so hard for me. It isn't even that I don't like vegetables, it's just that I like sugary starches far more. One of the baby steps I'm taking is completing a 30 day green smoothie challenge. This sounds much more appealing to me than eating a salad.

6. Allow church to be a place of worship rather than an organization to run.
I'm going to have to give up some of my current roles and/or find a new church in order to accomplish this goal. I'll elaborate more on this another time.

7. Rebuild a savings account.
Staying home for 2.5 years has taken a severe toll on our bank account. We have been able to meet our necessities, but our comfort level is constantly readjusting.

8. Send random notes to people when I'm thinking of them.
Whether it's a friend from college, a relative I rarely see, or a church member who hasn't attended in a few weeks, I'd like to be more intentional about letting people know I'm thinking of them. I have such good intentions to send a note, but I forget to follow through.

I will likely add to this list over the months, but I will feel quite accomplished if I'm able to succeed in each of the above goals.

1 comment:

  1. Nice goals! I will never relate to prefer a smoothie to a salad though, ick.

    If you remember our family photos from 2014 (the truck ones), the lady that takes them does a late summer "mini session" for less than $50 and you get the disc & rights to pictures.
