
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Superior Wednesday

With the weather still frigid this morning, our Wednesday outing options were limited. Jackson asked to go to Monkey Joe's again, but I don't like to go to the same place in a row. Since the kids were all saying, "I want jump!" we went to the playground warehouse for free play. 

It was our third time ever going to Superior Play, but the first time the kids expressed interest in playing basketball.

The discrepancy between Maddie vs James and Amelia's physical strength is becoming larger. Maddie would not climb the ladder or go down the slide. She preferred to jump, swing, and serve pretend food in the little houses.

On the contrary, Amelia zoomed up all varieties of ladders.

Jackson was the only one to climb to the highest slides. Unfortunately, he was tired and became frustrated to the point of tears that he couldn't climb it multiple times.

We concluded our time with yet another round of jumping.

The kids were hot, hungry, and worn out after an hour and a half of play. We ate lunch, then headed home for a low key afternoon at home.

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