
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Library Lovers

Brace yourselves: I'm backing in blogging mode! My biggest challenge has been figuring out what to do with my photos. Ever since the external hard drive died, I've accumulated several thousand pictures on my phone. I haven't decided on a long term photo storage solution yet, but I'm at least going to get caught up on blogging. Now, onto the library post...

Every morning when I drop Jackson off at preschool, I ask the trio what they want to do. Without fail, James says, "I want park." Amelia declares, "I go to mall." Maddie requests, "Uh, library. I read books."

The mall and park vary based on weather, but the library is always part of our week. We go at least once a week. I've recently taken the trio to the Kannapolis library for story time. It is a greater distance, but worth the drive.

The children's librarian has clearly been working with young children for a very long time. She is so fast paced and actually holds the toddlers' attention. When she's not reading a book in different voices, she's doing something different every 30 seconds. Literally, she moves so fast! It is an hour filled with bubbles, puppets, felt board, bean bags, instruments, scarves, nursery rhymes, songs, and dancing. She goes over animals, colors, shapes, weather, counting, etc. I know it's a great story time when James is actively participating and not just sitting in my lap!

Each of the kids enjoy the library, but story time truly is Maddie's happy place. She absolutely loves doing the hand motions for each song. Her little eyes light up, and the never leave the librarian. Her love of music and dancing has only grown over the past year.

The coolest part of this particular story time is the parachute. It's like Field Day for toddlers!

Today I took the kids to the library we used to frequent two years ago. The triplets were just a month old when I started taking Jackson to the toddler story time every week. It's probably been a year since I've been to this library. My two favorite librarians stopped us and were shocked to see the trio so grown up. They knew all of the kids by name and specifically asked where Jackson was. 

We read a few books about Easter. I actually went to the library specifically to check out a book to read aloud for the church Easter egg hunt. There weren't any religious stories, but we read lots of silly stories about bunny parades, egg hunts, and Easter hats.

With all our library excursions, we actually never check out books. We have hundreds of children's books at home and I'm hesitant to bring more books home. That's just one more thing to keep up with. For now, we'll continue our routine of visiting different libraries for story time and exploring the children's section.

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