
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spring Has Sprung

The groundhog was correct in predictions of an early spring this year. We may have a few more days before the official start of spring, but we've been enjoying warm weather and blooming flowers for over a week now. Here are the unofficial signs that spring is here:

Clothes and diapers hang on the clothes line

Jesse resumes weekly mowing of the lawn

Spring allergies claim Jackson's vision

Flowers are blooming all around

Wardrobes are in desperate need of replacing winter clothes with spring clothes

Lunches are eaten outside

The sun doesn't set until 7:30, thanks to Daylight Savings Time

Kids play in the back yard after dinner while we clean

Roasted marshmallows are tasty treats

Ice cream becomes a daily staple

Weeds overtake the yard

Parks are a daily part of our routine

Egg hunt preparations are underway

Our birdhouses are filling with nests
There's so much to love about spring. With all the upcoming changes in the next month (potty training, kindergarten registration, job interviews), this season feels even more like a fresh start and chance for renewal. Here's to celebrating this time of growth and new life.

1 comment:

  1. Posts like this make me miss NC even more. It's snowing and 30 degrees here. Yuck.
