
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Daddy's Boy

Jesse and Jackson have always had a special bond. Jesse took a year off work to stay home with Jackson his first year. He was the one to rock Jackson to bed, bathe him, and carry him up the stairs when my triplet belly was too big. The two have cut the grass together every week, quizzed one another on comic book characters, and read nightly stories together for years. Jackson is 100% a daddy's boy. 

The photo below might be my favorite "then and now" picture. The top photo was taken the day we brought Jackson home from the hospital. I took the bottom picture last night after Jackson's birthday party. My two sweet boys...

In five years, Jesse has only spent three nights away from Jackson. All three were single overnight trips during his first 2.5 years. He's never spent a night away since the triplets were born.

At 4:30 a.m. tomorrow, Jesse leaves with his 8th graders for Washington D.C. They will return after 10 p.m. on Thursday. This means that after tonight, the kids won't see their Daddy until Friday afternoon. I put the dates for Washington DC on our family calendar. Jackson has been referring to them as "the sad days". I feel the same way. I suspect it's going to be a long week ahead!


  1. I love this picture...I am just a phone call away this week!

  2. Hopefully, you can Skype while he's away. That seemed to help the boys while I was gone.

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