
Friday, April 1, 2016

Teen Sleepover

My nieces and I had our third annual spring break sleepover. In years past, we've spent most of our time interacting with the kids. Since the trio were potty training (aka naked and peeing everywhere), it was preferable to spend some time away from the kids as well. Besides, the girls are getting older now so I thought they would enjoy a fun night out on the town. 

I don't think either of my nieces had explored uptown Charlotte at night. I adore the city lights and would have loved to walk around Charlotte when I was their age--if only I knew I wouldn't have gotten lost. The three of us split an enormous brownie sundae before admiring the lights and artwork uptown. 

Traditionally, my favorite part of our sleepovers is staying up late and talking. I'm used to being around teenagers because of my role as youth director, but it's especially fun to hang out with teenagers I've known since birth. As a bonus, I get to hear snippets of how my sisters act as moms. Unfortunately, the girls fell asleep almost immediately so there were no late night chats.

Jackson was full of attitude and the trio were still naked and having accidents. Thankfully our extended family is large and full of little kids, so the girls seemed unfazed by the chaos that often accompanies our four kids. We spent the afternoon browsing Target aisles and checking out an indoor trampoline park. It was a lot of fun and quite a workout. (Admittedly, I spent significantly more time watching and taking pictures than I did participating.)

It was another fun sleepover, though it definitely felt different than our first one two years ago. We've all grown up and matured a lot since then. I will happily host the sleepovers as long as the girls are still willing to come over!

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