
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Aviation Museum

I decided to keep Jackson from school on Tuesday because I had an interview at 9:30. I couldn't arrange childcare, drop him off, and make it to my interview on time. Plus, he was able to play with his friend while his mom watched them and the trio. I had hoped to drop him off later, but I didn't get back home until nearly 11. 

I chose to use our unexpected time together as a bonus adventure for the week. Jackson randomly said, "Remember that plane that crashed from the duck? We should go there." I knew he was referring to the Miracle on the Hudson, which is on display at the Aviation Museum just 20 minutes from our house. We had only visited the Aviation Museum once before in 2014, but the Miracle on the Hudson left such an impression on him.

Though I hadn't mentioned the museum to Jackson, I had been wanting to go as well. Their annual community day was the same day as Jackson's birthday party, so we missed the free admission. I was relieved to discover it was only $12 for all of us because kids under six are free. 

The only other time we went to the museum was in August. There's no air conditioning and it was so crowded and hot. We had a great time, though our experience on Tuesday was even better. We were the only people in the museum for the majority of the time and it wasn't too hot. The kids had plenty of space to walk around and explore at their own pace. The admission lady gave Jackson a scavenger hunt on a clipboard where he had to match the names of the planes with their picture. (I obviously helped.) Jackson was dedicated to successfully completing his scavenger hunt. 

Jackson was once again mesmerized by the Miracle on the Hudson. He watched an entire 25 minute video with Captain Sully landing the plane in the river, passengers evacuating, and flight simulations of the geese flying into the plane.

The damage is truly mesmerizing to assess.

In addition to viewing famous planes and helicopters, there are a few interactive exhibits. The kids fought over taking turns in the captain's chairs of the cockpit.

There was also a fighter plane the kids could sit inside and pretend to fly.

After completing our indoor scavenger hunt, we watched a few of the planes taking off by the nearby international airport.

James was most excited to see the planes being pulled out of the hangars.

My favorite thing to see was the radar with all of the planes in flight around the region. It was updated every minute. It's incredible to think about how many people were currently in the sky above us, and what they might be doing (business travels, vacations, family emergencies, etc).

After leaving the museum we headed to a nearby park to run around some more and eat our picnic lunch.This is not a good picture of the trio, but as I was sitting across from them, it was one of those moments where I was just awe-struck that we have triplets. Those moments don't occur as often anymore, but when they do, I just stop what I'm doing and think, "Those are really mine? We really had three babies at once!"

We had such a great afternoon together walking right up to mammoth planes, pretending to be pilots, and sitting inside aircraft. It was well worth the $12 and I don't feel bad for Jackson missing school.

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