
Monday, May 2, 2016

Comic Con

Sunday was one of those days where we had so many events going on that we had to choose which ones to attend. Our church was having their annual worship in the park service that I love attending. Unfortunately, it was raining and lightening in the morning so we assumed that would be too much of a challenge with our four kids. The weather ended up improving in time for the service, but we had already decided to go with Plan B: Comic Con.

The kids were eager to dress up in character. Jackson opted to wear his Kylo Ren costume. Amelia picked out Iron Man. Maddie almost always prefers Spiderman. James would have probably selected a princess dress had we given him the option, but we dressed him as the Hulk.

I have zero interest in comic books, but I love seeing the cosplay participants. There are always incredibly realistic characters and outfits. The better your costume is, the more likely strangers will ask to take your picture. I was excited that a few people asked to take pictures with Jackson. His Kylo Ren costume is rather intense. Here he is with some other Star Wars characters.

Of course, Jesse attends Comic Con for the actual comic books. There are tens of thousands of comic books, ranging from 50 cents to $25+ an issue. The aisles are crowded so we didn't want to bring the wagon, but we also didn't want to turn everyone loose when there are so many toys on display. If I use the umbrella stroller, the toddlers are good about holding onto the handles and staying together.

I love that everyone wanted to follow Jesse's lead. Amelia was so precious climbing up to flip through the books with her daddy.

There were also plenty of toys. Jackson picked out an older Jango Fett action figure (maybe 15 years?). The trio were pretty excited sifting through a My Little Pony bin, but most of the toys were grossly over priced and available at Target or Walmart.

I knew Jesse wanted to stay but the trio were getting antsy. I took them to a secluded corner in the lobby so we could watch all the cosplay characters from afar. They finally let me take their picture, but refused to pose again with Jackson. 

Next week is Star Wars Day and Free Comic Book Day, so we'll continue to celebrate our love of all things comic book related. Or, more accurately, I'll ride along and take pictures while Jesse and Jackson celebrate.

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