
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Guest Post: Jackson's First Day of Kindergarten

[Today was not an accurate portrayal of kindergarten, but it was Jackson's first day and he's been looking forward to this for months. At our school, the first day is used as an assessment/screening day where students rotate in small groups to different kindergarten teachers. Jackson will attend Open House on Friday. At that time he'll be assigned a teacher and he will have a  permanent classroom next Tuesday.]

I went to school. I played in Mommy's room and read a story to all the pretend persons. Mommy did some work. I went to my hallway. After that I stepped in and said hi to my teachers. I colored.

I played some songs and watched something. One was Dracula and Ghostbusters.

Then I went into another classroom. I played with blocks in that classroom.

Then I went into another classroom. A teacher asked me a bunch of questions. They asked me my letters and to count tiny blocks. They tested our colors. And a circle test. And what number would come after that.

I went to lunch and talked to my teacher. The cafeteria was really loud. I ate my lunch.

I played outside on the playground then go inside.

Then I went to another classroom. I played with blocks in that one, too. And then the fire alarm went off. I had to go outside just like Mommy. We just went back and finished our story.

We go our lunchboxes and waited in line, then we went back to Mommy's classroom for a tiny bit. Then I went home. That's how long kindergarten is.

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