
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Trio's First Movie

We finally took the kids to a $1 movie. There are three theaters within 20 minutes of our house that show second-run kid's movies for a dollar every week during the summer. In summers past, we've taken advantage of this bargain far more often. I wanted to take James, Amelia, and Maddie to the theater, but it took an entire month before I even considered taking them for fear they'd pee in their  seats. 

The six of us loaded up for our first movie theater experience. We went to a 12;30 showing at the Gem Theater, in hopes that it would be less crowded than the earlier viewings. 

The $1 movie was Shaun the Sheep, an 80 minute animation with zero words or dialogue. Despite fantastic reviews (99% on Rotten Tomato), I was skeptical about how much we would enjoy it. The movie was highly entertaining.

We sat in the last row so we could make a quick exit if anyone got squirmy.

We spent more money on popcorn than our tickets, but still stayed within our $15 budget. James and Amelia talked at an inappropriately loud volume, but it was all observations from the movie. All four kids laughed loudly and the movie definitely kept their interest. Towards the end of the movie Jesse took Jackson out for not keeping his hands off his siblings. (He can be an annoying big brother sometimes!) We finished watching the movie together.

The kids all used the bathroom once the movie ended. I was so relieved no one had an accident or created a major disturbance. Our first movie experience was a great success.

Being the NASCAR fan that he is, Jesse made the kids and I take the long walk back to the van so we could "pay tribute to Dale".

The movies and walk must have worn the kids out since 3/4 fell asleep on the ride home. We may try to see one more movie next week since that will be our last opportunity this summer. Even if we don't get to go, I'm happy that everyone enjoyed their experience today.

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