
Monday, August 15, 2011

Belly Button

Our day began with another free breakfast from Ikea.  I wasn't in too much of a rush to get to work today since it wasn't a required day and I wasn't getting paid.  Jesse put Jackson in the Ergo and we browsed the store.  We left with a mirror and two frozen yogurts.

After nursing Jackson in the parking lot I headed off to work.  It was more or less a wasted day as I was only there for two hours and basically shuffled things around.  My only accomplishment was finishing my classroom library.  I made a detailed list of what I need to do tomorrow so I can be more productive. 

I was sad that I only pumped 2 ounces, and Jackson drank a 4 ounce bottle while I was gone.  Jesse and Jackson took advantage of a few super double coupons at Harris Teeter while I was away. 

Jesse and I played with Jackson.  He enjoys pressing the piano keys of the exersaucer.  Today was the first day he showed interest in the other toys on the exersaucer.  It was like he just now noticed there are a ton of other things to play with.

Currently, the things that make Jackson laugh the most are petting the cats, talking to himself in the mirror, when Jesse or I make animal noises (esp. owls), and when we blow on his belly and tickle his sides/armpits.  We spend a good portion of the day doing these things.
On a total random note, I've noticed that Jackson's belly button has changed quite a good bit.  Since I bathe him every night now, I guess pay more attention.  Up until a few weeks ago, it always looked like he had two tiny belly buttons or one that was separated down the middle.
It has now stretched out a lot.  It is much deeper and looks like an innie and and outie.  Strange...

After dinner we went for a walk around the neighborhood.  Jesse fixed the jogging stroller (again) and he wanted to test it out.  After several days of 100 degree heat, this evening was quite pleasant.  Along the way we found this giant, scary spider.  It was the size of our hand.  Eeek!
After a relaxing walk and bath, Jackson was ready for bed.  I pray that he actually sleeps well tonight.  The past three nights, Jackson woke up at 3 a.m. and cried hysterically.  It's taken at least 30 minutes of walking around and rocking to get him back to sleep. 

Tomorrow is the dreaded 4 month check up.  I've been anxious about this appointment because I am worried Jackson isn't gaining weight very well.  I also hate shots of the crankiness that follows them.  Let's hope it goes better than expected!

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