
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Funny Faces and Various Ramblings

Warning: There is absolutely no flow or transition to anything in this post, so I apologize if it's difficult to follow.

Jesse and I said some ugly words to one another last night.  I am ashamed to admit that we both let our frustration get the better of us in front of Jackson.  While he is too young to process or recall anything, we both agreed that we will avoid any confrontation in front of him.  Our dispute allowed much needed discussion to take place and I think we both have a better understanding of what one another is feeling.

I have no clue why, but Jackson has been giving the stink eye to the swing every time he sits in the high chair.  We used to put him in the swing several times a day.  It was our most frequently used piece of baby furniture during the first three months.  Now he just screams if we put him in the swing.  His evil stare down cracks me up.
Jackson's personality is shining through more and more each day. He has always been very expressive and verbal.  Here is another one of his expressions that I love.  He is changing so quickly!

We found out last week that Jackson's culture from the dermatologist came back showing bacteria.  He has to take antibiotics twice a day for ten days.  Unfortunately, we neglected to put the medicine in the refrigerator per the directions.  Poor Jackson was spitting up pink medicine for hours.  We'll have to call the pharmacy tomorrow to get a refill.

Jackson's MiMi and PaPa came to visit.  This has become a usual Sunday afternoon routine.  They love his interactions and I am so happy he has such involved, loving grandparents.

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