
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Exciting, Little Things

Here's our excitement from the past two days:

We have seen Jackson roll over on his own twice now!  Once from his back to his tummy, the other time from tummy to back.  He is also rolling from side to side very quickly.

Jackson is beginning to discover his feet.  This is such a silly thing to get excited over, but I LOVE feet.  It's adorable to see Jackson playing with his toes while he watches TV, listens to a story, or talks to his parents.

After nearly three months since my last haircut, I broke down and went to Great Clips.  My hair grows so fast while I'm taking prenatal vitamins.  I decided to go with a basic bob.  It's simple enough.

I drove uptown and completed my return to work paperwork, officially ending my maternity leave.  Heigh ho, heigh ho!  It's off to work I go...

Jesse and I played around in Kannapolis for a bit today.  I wanted to browse Value Village for some cheap work clothes.  Jesse wanted Jackson to meet Dale Earnhardt. 

We would have loved to have spent more time in the park, but it was blazingly hot!

Of course we're still getting used to the lotions, creams, and disposable diapers, as well as the baking soda bath added to our nighttime routine.

That pretty much sums up the fun we've been up to.

1 comment:

  1. I like this cut better, not that you asked ;)

    GO baby Jacks! I love when babies find their feet! I hope he'll show me (and Jude) his rolling over skills on Friday.
