
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Finished Classroom!

Jesse did yardwork this morning while Jackson and I went to school for a few hours.  (If it's open, I'll be there!)  I work really well and stay focused for a few hours before I get totally overwhelmed and piddle around.  It was nice to be able to go in to school knowing I only had two hours to make my work count.  I put Jesse in the Ergo while I worked.  Once he fell asleep, I laid him on a mat on the floor and finished my bulletin boards.  I now have a functional, organized classroom library, filing cabinet, layout of furniture, math closet, and place for students to turn in work.  Here are the highlights of my classroom:

Our final stop this morning was Wal Mart.  I needed to make a few purchases for Jesse's birthday party tomorrow.  Our theme at school is that we're all shooting stars.  They gave out these ridiculous sunglasses to the staff members.  Jackson liked them more than I did.

Once home, Jackson and I ate.  Jesse reminded me that Walgreens offered a free 8x10 collage today.  I've been wanting to put some pictures of Jackson on my desk at work, so that worked out perfectly.  We went to Value Village and bought some shirts before picking up the collage.

Dinner consisted of Carolina burgers (chili and slaw).  We both cleaned the house and played with Jackson before getting him ready for bed.  Jesse is going to sleep while I finish Jesse's birthday cake.

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