
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jesse!

Today was Jesse's 25th birthday.  All week he's been telling me he wants a Batman cake, which I have laughed off.  Unbeknownst to him, I ordered a Batman cake the other day and was actually able to surprise him with it at his party.

Our family gathered to celebrate.  Domino's had a special where 2-topping medium size pizza were significantly cheaper than a 1-topping large or medium.  I ordered 7 pizzas, including extra cheese, green peppers, and pepperoni and ground beef.  Every last slice was devoured.  Only one bowl of salad remained. 

The highlight was dessert.  Jesse loves banana splits, so we had an ice cream party, in addition to the rainbow chip frosted cupcakes, and of course, the Batman cake.  Yum!

Jackson was rocked to sleep by Aunt Meme (Christina) numerous times, only to be awaken by his crazy cousins.  Once all had left and I cleaned up, Jackson crashed on Jesse's lap.

Jesse is a man of few words, but he assured me that he is having a good birthday.  I sure hope so!

We rented The King's Speech and will likely watch that this evening with our usual popcorn.  (Actually we received 3 free months of Blockbuster when Jesse switched us to Dish Network.)  Then it's back to another week at work.  As good as Friday night feels, Sunday night feels equally bad.

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