
Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Hard-Working, Exhausting Day for Jackson Lee

I made up for yesterday's lack of pictures today.

This handsome guy has been working awfully hard today towards reaching his milestones!

Thanks, Chrissy, for the adorable outfit!

Jackson's day began with Jesse cooking his favorite heart attack-inducing breakfast while I had the luxury of sleeping in until 8:15.  Jesse was very proud of his breakfast and insisted I include a picture on the blog.

Jackson had great interactions with Cowbell.  I can't wait until he starts crawling and chases her.  The two are quite an amusing pair.  (Mr. Nibbles is rarely in close enough proximity for Jackson to touch.) 

We used to be able to put Jackson on the floor or pack-n-play for a while, but lately he hates laying flat.  He tries so hard to sit up.  He'll curl around his whole body and eventually thump his head on the floor when he can no longer hold it up.  I imagine this constant abdominal work is exhausting!

Jackson can sit assisted with a boppy pillow and is also beginning to prefer the upright position on the high chair. 

Tummy time today was by far the most successful Jack's ever had.  He rolled over SIX times all the way across the blanket.  He has also been lifting his upper body up higher and for longer periods of time.

After all of this work, sweet Jackson especially needed to be held and loved.  We cuddled in the Moby.  It didn't take long before he settled in for a long nap.

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