
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Beach: Day 2

Everyone slept well and awoke in great moods.  Jackson was eager to start his day, so our morning began with an early morning walk along the beach.     

The view from our balcony
My brother and his three kids just so happened to be walking out of their hotel room at the same time, so we were all able to play together. I was relieved because it always helps when there is a 1:1 infant/adult ratio. The babies were indifferent to the ocean since they were getting hungry.  As it turns out, Jackson hates sand in his shoes and on his toes.  This was the last time he walked on the beach barefoot the rest of the trip.

We had planned to enjoy breakfast at our beloved K&W.  (Yes, we are really 80 year olds at heart.)  I was so disappointed to see that our annual tradition was not going to happen as the K&W no longer serves breakfast!  At least we had another 50 breakfast restaurants to select from.  We ended up at the House of Pancakes where all six of us enjoyed eating.  Our amazing waitress was always one step ahead of us and anticipated our needs and wants.

Jackson chowed down on a full size waffle.  He isn't always the best behaved in restaurants, particularly when he has to stay seated for extended periods of time.  Thankfully, he stayed occupied by figuring out how to work the syrup container.

After breakfast, we all got ready for the pool.  The girls' bathing suits were size 12 months, but they still worked. 

I brought the bumbos since they're so compact and lightweight.  I knew the pool could be challenging without help, considering we have four children that can't swim.  The babies were perfectly content waiting their turns before getting into the pool.

Jackson was his typical playful self in the pool.

Swimming wore the kids out.  Jesse and the kids napped while I pumped and uploaded pictures.  We ate sandwiches for lunch, then met up with my siblings at Broadway at the Beach.  Jackson's MiMi had given him $10, which he spent entirely on gummy bears.  Jackson was a "kid in a candy store" in every sense of the phrase, carefully reviewing each sugary option with pure elation.  He proudly handed the cashier his $10 bill and wanted me to take a picture of his candy to send to his MiMi. 

I am always more relaxed around my siblings.  I love the shared responsibility of watching one another's children.  Strangers would have no clue which child belonged to which adult since nieces and nephews flow among the adults within our close-knit family.

I also appreciate the eagerness and maturity of the older kids wanting to help feed the babies and push strollers.

Other highlights of our shopping excursions included time to climb and slide on a playground, watching workers make fudge, and feeding the fish and ducks.

Thankfully I had the foresight to bring my pump in the van because I needed some relief on the way back to the hotel.  Rather than going back up to our room, we headed straight to the beach.

A stranger captured a family photo for us,

then we watched the sunset.

We all piled in my sister's hotel suite for our annual spaghetti dinner.  Seven adults and fifteen children fill a space with constant commotion and endless entertainment.  It was at the same meal last year when Jesse and I announced we were expecting triplets.  What a difference a year makes!

Another annual beach tradition is to get a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts, but only when the "Hot Now" sign is lit.  We concluded our evening with hats, pajamas, TV, and doughnuts.  YUM!

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