
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Beach: Day 3

We wanted to make the most of our morning since it was the last of our weekend getaway.  The plan was to walk on the beach briefly, then go to the pool at 8 a.m.  Apparently the pool didn't open 'til 9, so our brief walk turned into an hour long saga.  The goal was to make it to this pier (which we did). 

Ordinarily, walking along the ocean where the tide comes in is my favorite thing to do at the beach.  I just roll up my pants and let the cool waves crash against my bare feet.  I didn't have the same joy this year.  Let me just tell you what a pain in the ass it is to maneuver a stroller along the sand, especially in the gullies.  The only alternative would have been for Jesse and I to each carry two children.  Jesse kept getting the stroller stuck but I quickly learned the best approach was to turn the stroller around and pull rather than push the wheels further into the sand.  The trick was to go as fast as possible in the gullies so the wheels didn't have time to sink into the sand.

 Maddie and Amelia kept each other warm and ended up falling asleep in one another's arms.  LOVE!

Jesse and I literally raced back to the hotel to take family pictures before my brother and sister left.  Here are the cousins (minus two who didn't get to go this year).

After saying "goodbyes" to some of my siblings and their kids, our family headed back to the pool.  James was much more interested in sleeping,

but the girls and I were perfectly content floating around.

Of course, Jesse loved on the babies and Jack, too.

After showers, changing, and packing, it was time for us to say our own farewells. Jackson was so cute.  He kept waving at the workers who were mowing the lawn, then saying, "Bye beach".

We stopped halfway at a McDonald's.  We didn't need to eat; it was just an easy way for Jackson to get some of his energy out and let the babies stretch a bit while we fed and changed them.

We had to go by Jesse's school to pick up his car, then rush home to unpack and cook dinner for company that was coming over that night.  Taking three infants and a toddler to the beach was fun but challenging.  I'm so thankful we had Veteran's Day to recover!

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