
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Black Friday Shopping

My tradition is to buy and wrap presents for all family members on Black Friday. Each year my siblings and I provide specific gift ideas for our kids. My oldest sister compiles a detailed spreadsheet of the gift ideas so we can use as our handy shopping guide. (This is the same sister who organized our nursery closet with bins and her label maker.)  
Now that sales begin on Thanksgiving, Jesse went out on Thursday evening and I shopped on Friday. Jesse and Jackson were at Walmart awaiting the sales at 6 pm.
When I asked Jesse to provide commentary for the blog, he said, "I spent some money. Fought some old ladies. It was a good night."

On Friday morning Jesse left the house at 6 am for more shopping. He finished our kids' gifts. He also bought me a new laptop (hence the surge in blog posts) and himself a ukulele.

All six of us went out for a final round of shopping before lunch. I was getting worked up over how much we were spending. At least we only spent $5 to feed our family of 6. Thanks, Little Caesars!

We had our second round of Thanksgiving dinner on Friday evening, this time with Jesse's side of the family. Once home, we put the kids in bed. I began to sort and wrap the presents. Jesse was a trooper and ran out to buy me more tape when I ran out. I finished everything just before midnight.

I had left the presents out because I was tired. All four kids were picking them up and carrying them around the next morning. 

All wrapped gifts are tucked away in closets, ready to open on Christmas Day. It was another productive Black Friday!

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