
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Feast

Jackson only went to school one day last week, and it was only for a few hours. Tuesday was the annual Thanksgiving Feast. I had several reservations about going (no naptime, no high chairs, pretentious mothers, etc), but I knew I had to go and support Jackson. Instead of an actual performance, the parents awkwardly encircled the kids while they participated in weekly chapel. The kids sat down and sang songs, listened to the short devotion, prayed, and sang more songs.

I kept the trio in the wagon the entire time. They were a captive audience and clapped at appropriate times. Of course, James also yelled during the prayer and Amelia flung her head between her knees and laughed.

Jackson has attended the same preschool for over a year now. I have taken the trio with me to multiple programs and field trips. People are generally nice to my face, but keep their distance. I really don't get it. If you've been following the blog for a while, you might recall our experience last year. We had a surprisingly similar experience this year. A few moms from Jackson's class had placed their purses in the chairs during chapel. When the last song ended and the kids joined their parents, I wheeled my wagon full of kids to the same table and sat down. There was plenty of room for everyone. Two moms looked at each other and said, "Where do you want to sit?" I kid you not, all three women picked up their purses and moved to a different table. Jackson didn't seem bothered to be eating at an empty table with just his mom and siblings. Thankfully I didn't have long to be upset because Jackson was truly elated to show off the hat he made.

Using the term "feast" is beyond generous. Most of it was inedible. Even James threw it on the floor. I looked around at other tables and most every adult politely nibbled on a roll and ham while the kids ate the applesauce. The trashcan revealed many plates full of mashed potatoes and strangely large carrots.

Thankfully, Jackson's friends came over to our table and talked to Jackson and the babies. All of the kids ran around the gym together and acted silly. The trio had to skip a nap in order to attend the feast, so I pulled them around in the wagon until it was time to go.

I'm thankful that I have a whole year before our next Thanksgiving Feast!

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