
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Jackson's Birthday Party

Yesterday we celebrated Jackson's birthday with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle themed party. Of course, pizza was the obvious menu choice. I sent out these official invites (aka googled a potentially copyrighted image, made it a meme, and sent it out on Facebook).

We had a total of 28 people in our home to celebrate Jack's birthday. It was probably my favorite and least stressful party yet. (Confession: Jackson requested a Batman themed birthday, but after doing that for his second and third birthdays, I persuaded him to reconsider. Ninja Turtles was his second choice.) The weather was perfect so we could leave the back sliding door open the entire time. This provided ample room for everyone to spread out for food and play.

Jackson wanted to use the pinata again, so I very tackily hot glued it back together. We had so much extra candy leftover and the pinata was so durable, I didn't feel bad at all about reusing it. Everyone gathered outside to witness the fun.

It took 12 kids (with three swings each) to finally break the pinata. Quite an impressive second round!

 Next was presents. Jackson has been out of it the past two weeks with allergies, eye infections, and benadryl. He was still a bit loopy and definitely lacked manners in thanking his guests. At least he appreciated the money and toys.

When I asked Jackson what his favorite birthday present was, he said, "I don't know, the dessert birthday cake." Jackson was so happy with everything about his birthday cake. He watched me make every step of the cake, and helped put the eyes in each turtle. He made everyone laugh by blowing out the birthday candles before we even started singing "Happy Birthday". (I lit them again so we could sing and get a picture.)

This was also the first year I purchased decorations. I was going to make DIY decorations I saw on Pinterest, but I found a pack of plastic wall decor for under $10. Works for me.

When I asked Jackson to share about his birthday party, he said:
"I liked the pinata the best. And the cake. And playing upstairs with my cousins. And opening the presents to see what's inside them. I had fun."

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