
Monday, April 13, 2015

Outdoor Worship

Yesterday was our annual worship service at a local park. The Sunday after Easter traditionally had the lowest attendance rates out of the year, so our pastor began reserving a park shelter for the week after Easter to lead an outdoor worship service. We have a cookout and softball game afterwards. It has since become one of the highest attended services. For the past few years, we've combined with the Latino ministry to have a bilingual service. 

As much as I love this service, it makes me miss the nursery! Jesse and I were quite distracted watching the kids. The trio sat in the wagon the first third of the service before we let them roam around.

Amelia started to fuss and the pastor's son came up to her and began rubbing her back. It was the sweetest thing! I've mentioned before that our pastor is leaving in June (after leading the congregation the past 14 years). He and his family will definitely be missed.

The Boy Scout troop provides a hot dog lunch with fixings for everyone.

I had cancelled youth group since the times overlapped. Jesse was patient with me while I checked in with all the teenagers. Since we're not really ready to play softball, we enjoyed the adjacent playground instead. Look at these big kids!

This is the third Sunday in a row our whole family has attended church together. I'm not sure how much longer the streak will last, but it makes me happy!

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