
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Lover of Labels

Jesse and I were so quick to reorganize after Christmas. We made room for all the new toys and purchased a new storage system from Ikea for downstairs. Unfortunately, I never made any labels, so the organization was never quite maintained. For six weeks now, I've kept saying I would add picture labels for each of the bins. I finally created them today. Here is our downstairs toy storage.

Jesse did not want any brightly colored bins since it is in our living room. The furniture blends in okay, though it's impossible to have a house that doesn't display some evidence of multiple toddlers living in it.

We've had the Ikea shelving pictured below for over a year, though the contents of the bins have changed. Without labels, everything was more or less shoved in bins, without any sorting. There was no system and things kept getting shuffled between upstairs and downstairs. The problem is now resolved and I feel better already about being able to keep up with cleaning, especially in the trio's room.

Maddie loves sorting. She is the one to sing the Clean Up song and actually put everything away. Maddie helped put the labels on the bins, then sorted everything completely on her own. I think the labels will really help her stay organized and encourage the others to help keep things tidy. Fingers crossed...

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