
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentines Weekend

I kept Valentine's Day festivities pretty low key this year. In previous years, I've turned to Pinterest for photo shoot ideas, clever valentines, and craft projects. I've hosted cookie decorating parties and organized service projects. None of those things happened this year. The closest I got was this cheesy brainchild I had when I discovered Moon Pies were buy one, get one free at Food Lion last week.

I waited until the last minute for Jackson to assemble his classmates' treat bags. As late as it was, Jackson was excited and energetic about stuffing his bags with tattoos, stickers, play dough, and a Moon Pie. Of course a single card would have sufficed, but my mother was the queen of treat bags and I know how much fun they were to give out when I was a child. Jackson was elated after his Valentine's party at school!

The kids and I made cookies yesterday. This isn't necessarily a special thing as we just like making cookies. I'm always impressed with how much the kids are learning about baking. It has become routine. They know where to sit, how to help, what utensils to use, etc.

They understand mixing dry and wet ingredients in separate bowls.

None of the kids are effective at rolling out dough, but I let each of them practice for fun.

They all know how to use cookie cutters because we use them so often with Play Doh.

Jackson wanted to add sprinkles to the raw dough. It was an easy, festive way to decorate our cookies.

Jackson and I painted the last few cookies with a quick icing made of powdered sugar, milk, corn syrup, and vanilla.

We hosted an impromptu dinner with all of Jesse's family last night. MiMi and PaPa delivered bags of goodies for each of their grandkids. We consumed lots of cookies and candy.

I awoke to flower shaped pancakes for myself, 

and heart shaped pancakes for the kids--courtesy of a thoughtful husband. I'm thankful he stopped trying to buy me flowers!

I may not have felt as creative this Valentine's Day, but I was surrounded by loved ones the entire weekend. I made my family feel loved, and they went did special little things to reciprocate. Tomorrow we will continue to share God's love by cooking dinner for homeless guests at a local church. I think that's probably the best way I can celebrate Valentine's Day.

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