
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Morning Adventures with the Trio

The kids and I had a much better week with very few meltdowns. I haven't quite found my blogging groove, but we had lots of morning adventures this week. Here are some of my favorite photos from the past few days.

Discovery Place Kids

Maddie practicing her EMT skills on Amelia

Here comes the bride

James attempting the balance beam
One of three library visits the week

One of three park visits

Crazy tall slide!

Amelia would only go down on my lap

James' silly smile caught on camera
Testing out acoustics in Kannapolis

Singing and dancing along to our favorite toddler jam

Yelling and listening to our echos
I'm so relieved that the increase in tantrums were temporary. I've regressed to using the wagon once again after getting stuck in the Ikea parking lot last week. I only trust them to walk short distances into preschool and the library.  I'm so ready for consistently warm weather and having more options for our morning outings.

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