
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Uptown Adventures: Day & Night

We enjoyed our carefree Wednesday by spending the day uptown. I rarely dress the kids in matching clothes, but the girls wanted to wear their princess shirts and the boys wanted to wear their Batman shirts. The museum was so crowded and chaotic that it came in handy to be able to easily spot the kids.

We took over any space we found that wasn't crowded. The kids were more content than I was building.

I love this picture of Amelia. She's returned to her sweet nature and has been using complete sentences a lot lately. She said, "Look, mama! Come see yellow fish."

After watching a group of middle schoolers scale the wall of the bridge, Jackson tried to become Spiderman. He was mildly successful. Amelia wanted badly to climb it like the big kids.

After an hour in the museum, we meandered uptown. I pulled the trio in the wagon and tried to keep a "too big for his britches" Jackson away from the curbs. We stopped so James could watch the trains.

I let the kids run around the steps at a park before we sat down to a picnic lunch.

Maddie has become possessive over this "kitty hat". It is perfect for her because it covers her ears and protects her from the wind she despises.

We continued our tour uptown by stopping at the library across the street. James kept saying, "Train! Train!" Smartie pants Amelia said, "Actually it's a a trolley."

I tend to lose track of time on Wednesdays. We didn't stay long at the library because I had to rush home to cook dinner for a friend, then go back out with another friend. I wasn't in too much of a hurry to take a picture of Jackson beside his favorite statue.

We didn't get home until nearly 3:30, which barely gave me enough time to get the kids settled, cook dinner (Shepherd's pie potato skins), shower. and deliver dinner to a friend who just had a baby. Dinner was time consuming but delicious.

My uptown fun continued with a musical. A friend had asked me the night before if I would go see Book of Mormon with her. A friend of hers works in the box office and left us two free tickets at will call. We were only ten rows back, right in the center!

The music, dancing, and acting was top notch. The actual story was over the top filled with vulgar, sometimes shocking humor. I was laughing and clapping throughout. I haven't attended a musical (outside of high school auditoriums) since becoming a mother. Time and money are the biggest obstacles. It was so nice to get out, watch high caliber theater, and hang out with a good friend!

Yesterday was another reminder of how fortunate I am to live in the great city of Charlotte. I love taking advantage of all our city has to offer. 

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