
Thursday, July 28, 2016

3 Year Well Check

Though the trio turned three two weeks ago, I completely forgot to schedule their well check until last week. Thankfully the Children's Clinic is quick to accommodate, even for three back-to-back appointments. We have been extremely fortunate because the only two appointments we've scheduled since their two-year well check was after James' smashed finger became infected and when Maddie's eczema got out of control. Other than a few runny noses, age two was a very healthy year for the trio.

Jesse volunteered to take James, Amelia, and Maddie to their two hour well check while I took Jackson and his cousin to the library, park, and splashpad. The rest of the post is told by Jesse:

"We went to the doctor. Maddie was immediately upset when the nurse called us back, but she was alright after that. The nurse weighed them as soon as we walked back. Amelia got on the scale first. Maddie didn't want to but she did. James kept kicking the scale so he had to sit in the baby scale. Here are their measurements:

James: 3 ft, 1.5 in, 33 lb, 4 oz (between 50th and 75th percentile for height and weight)
Amelia: 3 ft, 1.5 in, 32 lbs (between 50th and 75th percentile for height and weight)
Maddie: 2 ft, 11.5 in, 30 lbs (right under 50th percentile for height and weight)

Their vision test was next. They had to identify the shapes. According to the nurse they each had 20/32 vision.

The nurse had to take their blood pressure and brush their teeth, which everyone enjoyed. The nurse asked for a urine sample. The girls peed in the little potty and I poured it in the cup. James had already peed in his training underwear, so I couldn't get a sample from him. 

The doctor came in quickly. Maddie volunteered to go first, then James, and finally Amelia. It was a typical well check, examining eyes, ears, mouth, and breathing. She asked each of them to jump, squat, and count to three.

They left with lollipops, stickers, and a book."

Amelia spent the afternoon in her Doc McStuffins gear. The kids gave everyone imaginary check-ups.

I'm saying a prayer that age 3 is another year of great health! (This seems unlikely since all six of us will be in public school 8-9 hours a day, but a girl can hope.)

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