
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Cousin Sleepover

We accomplished another item on our summer bucket list--having Jackson's cousin, Levi, over for 24 hours of fun. We started with a Terrific Tuesday show at the children's library uptown. The program this week was on African drumming. Based on the photos, it looks like an amazing experience. Honestly, it was mediocre at best. The leader attempted to call individual children to the stage in sets of a dozen, but children haphazardly rushed the stage, claiming a drum to play without being called. It was very frustrating for us front row rule followers. After several rounds without being called, the boys eventually received a coveted spot on a jimbay. Once the program ended, we checked out the Mr. Potato Head exhibit and trolley in the library.

Jesse and a friend were grabbing dinner then heading to a concert, so the kids and I were on our own for dinner, play, and bedtime. The kids devoured mac-n-cheese, chicken nuggets, green beans, watermelon, and ice cream. A quick storm blew past, temporarily eliminating the awful humidity. The kids entertained themselves with wagon races and climbing the playsets.

To make things easier for the older boys, I had the trio share a room. Maddie prefers sleeping on the floor, so James just slept in her bed. Jackson and Levi shared the bunk beds in the boys' room.

Our morning was insanely productive and busy. The brakes on the car have nearly given out. Anytime we press the brakes, it sounds like someone put a screw inside a pencil sharpener. Jesse bought a groupon for full brake services. We also had the trio's three year well check which we knew would take two hours. We drove both vehicles to the mechanic. Jesse dropped the boys and I off at Village Park, then took the trio to their well check.

It's so hot outside there's actually a heat advisory. We totally lucked out by being at the library during a scheduled summer activity. Kids ages 5-12 could participate in an indoor exercise class. There were stretches, warm ups, and very silly games. Our hour of structured games in the a/c was a fantastic way to pass the time.

Adjacent to this library is a playground and splash pad. By the time we had played and eaten a snack, Jesse called to say he and the trio were ready to pick us up. The seven of us took a train ride around the park before swinging by Little Caesar's for a late lunch.

We all spent the next few hours at home, attempting to have downtime. Our movie was abandoned as the kids had more fun playing upstairs. All seven of us rode together to drop Levi off at his house so we could pick up the car from the mechanic on the way home.

We've got another fun sleepover in the books!

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