
Friday, September 30, 2011

Fantastic Friday

It's been a great day all around.  Jackson discovered himself in the exersaucer mirror and has a new source of entertainment.

I was really proud of my literacy class for completing their third novel this month.  Granted, each novel has only been 85-100 pages, but I'm certain this is more than any of my students read this summer.  Each literature circle group completed a cool castle project/story map today on The Whipping Boy.  I displayed the best student work from A Taste of Blackberries and The Whipping Boy on the hallway bulletin board. 

Because I had made plans to go out with my former fifth grade team tonight, Jesse and Jackson came for lunch, recess, and social studies.  I love being able to show off my favorite boys to my students and coworkers.

After dismissal I worked on next week's lesson plans until I left to meet my teammates for dinner.  We ate uptown on the outdoor patio at Brixx.  It was a perfect, chilly night with busy streets, lights, and laughter.  Our monthly meet-ups are always an adventure.  Last month we ended up unknowingly joining a gay pride festival.  The time before that we spent nearly an hour trying to find my car in the parking deck.  Tonight a random man wearing only a hospital gown harassed us.  I wanted to get a martini since I can drink all the liquor I want now that I am no longer breastfeeding.  I elected not to order one because I didn't think it would be worth the $8 cost.  The best part of the evening was realizing that we are all very competent, effective teachers who are struggling to adapt to our new schools.  It's so nice to have someone who can really relate.

Jesse said Jackson was so tired that he fell asleep while watching Jeopardy, then passed out in the pack-n-play while Jesse made him a bottle.  Jesse still ended up swaddling him so Jack would stay asleep.

Now I am home eating Moose Tracks on the couch.  I have a DVR full of Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and Glee.  I love, love, love the weekend!!

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