
Saturday, October 1, 2011

♥ October ♥

Our morning began with a trip to the car dealership to get my car inspected.  My tag and registration expired yesterday, but I've kept putting off getting my car inspected.  Jackson and I enjoyed a leisurely stroll and breakfast at Bojangles while waiting on my car.  Jackson and I had what could have been a serious fall while getting back into my car.  I had him on my hip while I used my foot to close the latch on the umbrella stroller.  I ended up closing my foot into the latch, slicing my toe and causing Jackson and I to crash to the ground.  Thankfully the car door caught my fall and he landed on the passenger seat before I hit the pavement.  I don't know what the hell I would have done otherwise, but thankfully we were both fine.

While Jackson and I were out and about, Jesse mowed the lawn.  This took him several hours because it had been over a month since he last cut the grass and the it had grown nearly a foot.

Jackson is working on his second tooth now.  I finally got a good picture of his first tooth and you can already see the second one peaking through.

It was a gorgeous fall day with cool breezes.  After our lasagna dinner, Jesse, Jackson, and I took a walk around the neighborhood.  Jesse and I are really enjoying one anothers company again and not taking each other for granted. 

Jackson was too cute in his tiny fleece jacket. 

Seriously, have I mentioned how cute he is?

After our walk and Jeopardy, we gave Jackson a long overdue bath.  He's really too big for our infant bath.  He just splashes around and grabs everything nearby.  I don't know if there's anything to transition him into or if we are just supposed to take a bath with him in the regular bathtub when he officially grows out of it.

After his bath Jackson got into his new favorite pretzel position.

Jackson is asleep in the crib and Jesse and I are watching 127 Hours.    Despite a rocky start, I'd call it a successful Saturday!

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