
Saturday, October 29, 2011


Quick vent: I have seriously been working on this post ALL week.  Ever since we switched our Internet services my Internet has been extremely inconsistent.  It will work for 5-10 minutes, then disconnect. 

So...last weekend was the Annual Robinson Family Beach Trip.  This began several years back and we have continued the tradition of going to the beach each October.  This year it was just Jackson and I with my oldest sister, Christina, and her family. 

I was very aggravated that Jesse wouldn't ask off work for the weekend.  We knew the dates of the trip several months in advance and I asked Jesse to request the weekend off when he was hired at Babies-R-Us.  He didn't ask off and I really didn't want to go without him.  After talking with Jesse on Thursday night, we decided it would be okay if I drove Jackson down by myself and we spent the weekend with my sister. 

We drove down Friday night.  I was dangerously tired and debated whether or not I should spend the night in a random hotel when we were only halfway there.  Jackson slept the entire time and I was able to drive with the window down and sing along to the radio to try and keep myself awake.  We didn't check in to the hotel until nearly 11 pm.  Christina helped me unload the car and set up the pack-n-play in the room.  After initial excitement, we both slept very soundly.

Jackson was wide eyed by 7 a.m.  We had a relaxed morning watching the sunrise.

The chilly morning air was the perfect excuse to break out the ASU sweatshirts!

After breakfast (food brought from home) we headed down to the beach.  It turns out that Jackson is NOT a fan of the actual ocean.  He screamed and cried when the waves hit his feet.  He was only content on the beach when someone was holding him.

He certainly didn't mind the lazy river or pool though.   
Once back in the room, Jackson and I crashed for a good two hour nap.  I can't think of anything better than cuddling with my baby while listening to the waves crash outside the balcony door.  Jackson and I met up with the family for lunch (again, food brought from home) and then headed to Broadway at the Beach.  I walked around with Jackson in the Ergo the entire time.  Christopher and Emily had fun feeding the ducks and looking for ways to spend their money from their grandparents.  After dinner we continued with beach traditions by getting a dozen hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts.  YUM!  Christopher and Jackson were too cute with their Krispy Kreme hats.
Jackson and I slept soundly with the balcony door open the entire night.  We had to check out of the hotel by 11 a.m. so we spent the morning on the beach and pool before packing.  We made the most of our time and had a blast!

My brother-in-law, Scott, helped me load up my car by 10 a.m.  Jackson was exhausted from his busy morning so I decided to let him nap as long as he could in the car before stopping for breakfast.  He must have been really tired because my stomach was growling so loud I finally decided to stop at 1:30 and wake him up.  We had a long, leisurely lunch at Cracker Barrel.  Jackson ate some of my mashed potatoes and green beans.  He slept the entire car ride home.  I drove straight to Concord Mills so we could visit Jesse.  Both my boys missed one another tremendously and they were adorable during Jesse's break.

As apprehensive as I was about going to the beach alone with Jackson, I am so very happy that I did.  Ever since I stopped nursing I feel like I've lost special time with just Jackson and I.  This weekend was such a wonderful experience to share with my sweet boy that I will always remember.  

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