
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Six Month Well Check

This past Tuesday (Oct. 25) was Jackson's six month well check.  This was his first appointment with a pediatrician.  Various concerns with our family physician over the past few months caused us to seek out a pediatrician.  (He showed zero concern with Jackson's allergic reaction to the cloth diapers, poor weight gain, or psoriasis.)

We originally made an appointment with a pediatrician the day after Jackson turned six months old.  We've actually had to cancel two previously scheduled appointments because Jesse forgot to ask off work.  Technically Jackson was 6.5 months old.

It has only been five weeks since our Urgent Care visit where Jackson only weighed 14 lbs 9 oz.  Stress and pressure resulted in my body no longer producing milk, forcing us to switch to formula.  It was clearly a good choice because Jackson weighed 16 lbs even at his well check on Tuesday and measured 27 inches long. 

Here are his 6 month stats:

8 lb, 15 oz
21.75 in
14 in
1 Month
11 lb, 1 oz
23.25 in
15.25 in
2 Month
12 lbs, 15 oz
25 in
15.75 in
4 Month
14 lbs, 4 oz
25.75 in
16.5 in
6 Month
16 lbs
27 in
17.5 in

The pediatrician was thorough, friendly, and professional.  I asked about the knot on his neck and she said it was related to his cradle cap.  (I don't understand what those two things have to do with one another, but she's the specialist so I trust her.)  She also said that Jackson had excellent trunk control and should begin sitting up within the next few weeks, and that his top gums are swollen so we should expect the top two teeth to come in very soon. 

I wasn't as impressed with the nurse.  She was rather slow with each shot and Jackson was expectantly upset.  He still has dark bruises on his legs from the shots four days later.  I've heard such terrible things about six month shots, but Jackson wasn't fussy at all in the hours and days afterwards.  If anything, he just seems to sleep more.

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