
Friday, January 20, 2012

9 Month Stats

Jackson had his 9-month well check on Tuesday.  He's gained three pounds and grown two inches in the last three months. 

8 lb, 15 oz
21.75 in
14 in
1 Month
11 lb, 1 oz
23.25 in
15.25 in
2 Month
12 lbs, 15 oz
25 in
15.75 in
4 Month
14 lbs, 4 oz
25.75 in
16.5 in
6 Month
16 lbs
27 in
17.5 in
9 Month
19 lbs
29 in
18 in

We asked our pediatrician about Jackson spitting up so much.  As previously mentioned, his "spit up" is now just straight up smelly, colorful vomit since he is on mostly solids.  She prescribed Zantac for him to try for two weeks.  If the reflux does not improve then we need to call and she will prescribe Prevacid.  If Jackson is still spitting up he will be referred to a GI doctor.  I really don't like the idea of Jackson being on prescription drugs at only 9 months old.  I've contemplated taking him back to the chiropractor to see if that helps any.

Jackson had one shot at his appointment.  He wailed for about 45 seconds after the shot, but recovered quickly.  For the first time in months, he slept that entire night without waking up to eat. The next day he had a foul diaper blow out while we were at church.  Jesse and I were completely unprepared.  We had fed and changed Jackson before we left.  Since Bible study is only an hour, we didn't bring a diaper bag.  I had a nice bonding moment with the pastor's wife as we scrambled to clean Jack up with wet paper towels.  Luckily we found some ancient plastic diapers that we made temporarily work.  I love our church family!

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