
Monday, January 16, 2012

A Monday Off

I can't say enough how much I enjoy having our family spend the weekend together!  This was the first weekend since October that Jesse had off.  Toys-R-Us is officially closed (in the mall) and he will begin working at Babies-R-Us across the street in a week.  We got to sleep in, eat, run errands, and lounge around the house together.  It was perfect.  I especially enjoyed having today (MLK Day) off work.

Our morning began with a free breakfast from Ikea.  This was the first time we got Jackson a plate of his own.  Of course, Jack didn't eat the entire servings by himself.

We spent the morning home, then headed to pick MawMaw up for lunch.  She has only seen Jackson a handful of times, but we are happy for Jackson to know his great grandmother.
The rest of the day was spent browsing Goodwill, eating, getting my hair cut, rearranging the laundry room, and playing with Jackson Lee.  Tomorrow is his 9-month well check. 

I really, really hope this week doesn't drag by.  Somehow 4-day weeks seem to feel the longest. 

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