
Monday, June 25, 2012

Comfort Food

Growing up, I learned that chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven were equivalent to the strongest pain medication available.  While I am fully aware that this belief of healing power in comfort foods has done me no favors in regards to my weight or health, the notion is fully ingrained in my mind.  So, what do I do when my father-in-law has surgery on both wrists?  Bake him his favorite pound cake, of course!

Jesse and I brought barbecue over Friday evening after his dad's surgery.  I wasn't feeling well and it was getting late so we didn't stay long.  We came back on Sunday afternoon to deliver the cake and visit.  It was perfect timing because the whole family ended up coming over.  We had our choice of homemade pimento cheese or egg salad sandwiches before dessert.  Every good Southerner knows the best way to eat pound cake is with fresh peaches and ice cream.

Jackson and his cousin, Levi, wait in line for their MiMi to feed them.

It was another great evening spent with family.

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