
Saturday, October 20, 2012

18 Month Well Check

Jackson had his 18 month well check this past Thursday.  They were short staffed and the appointment took almost two hours!  Jack passed the time by pushing around chairs.

Here are his stats:

8 lb, 15 oz
21.75 in
14 in
1 Month
11 lb, 1 oz
23.25 in
15.25 in
2 Month
12 lbs, 15 oz
25 in
15.75 in
4 Month
14 lbs, 4 oz
25.75 in
16.5 in
6 Month
16 lbs
27 in
17.5 in
9 Month
19 lbs
29 in
18 in
12 Month
21 lbs, 5 oz
30 in
18.5 in
15 Month
23.2 lbs
31.5 in
19 in
18 Month
24 lbs, 15 oz
33 in
19 in

The doctor wasn't worried about his head circumference.  She said the nurse probably read it wrong.

Jackson is still taking prescriptions for reflux and ointment for dermatitis.  We've already noticed an increase in dry, cracked skin since the seasons are changing.  (Note: This is not the kind of dry skin lotion can cure.  It's the kind that cracks and leaves creases in the folds of his armpits, behind his knees, and along his feet that can ooze.)

According to the 18 month survey, Jackson has highest ranks in problem solving and social skills.  He is definitely behind in communication, which we already knew.  We were referred for a speech evaluation.  The doctor told us to expect a phone call and home visit from the speech pathologist to evaluate his speech.  She also warned us that they wouldn't likely do anything until he was two years old.

We did opt for the flu shot, and Jackson also got the Hepatitis A shot which is required by our daycare.  Of course, there were lots of tears involved during the two shots, and he was pretty clingy the rest of the evening. 

That's all the updates on our boy!

1 comment:

  1. So, Jude is roughly the size Jack was at 9 months. Awesome. But hey, they can be speech buddies =P
