
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Anniversary Trip

Jesse and I decided we wanted to do something special to celebrate our five year wedding anniversary.  Oct. 13 happened to fall on a Saturday this year, which was the perfect excuse to spend the weekend in Boone.  This was the place where Jesse and I met, fell in love, and married.  The biggest debate was whether we would bring Jackson or allow him to stay with his MiMi and PaPa.  I knew I couldn't spend a whole weekend away from Jackson, so we agreed to just spend Saturday night alone in the mountains, after we had some family time at the pumpkin patch that morning. 
We packed our bags and headed to Patterson Farms.  Jesse and Jackson cracked me up during lunch! 
We didn't actually end up picking any pumpkins, due to the $24 fee for our family to enter the field!  The cost included face paint, corn hole, corn maze, etc, all of which Jackson is too young to enjoy.  We settled for a cute family photo and running around the field.
We then headed to Jesse's parents.  The last time Jackson was at his MiMi and PaPa's house he came running through the living room carrying scissors and a knife.  Jeff thought he would be funny by rounding up all the scissors for Jackson to play with.  Thankfully, I appreciate his humor.  Jackson was in good hands, and Jan texted us several pictures and updates throughout the trip.
It was an easy drive to Boone.  After checking in at the infamous Boone Trail Motel, Jesse and I took a leisurely stroll around campus and downtown.  ASU was on fall break, so the campus was strangely quiet.  We were able to go inside our old dorm and walk up and down the halls where we first met.  I forgot how breathtaking the campus is in the fall.
Our next stop was Howard's Knob.  Jesse had managed to spend four years of college without ever going to the top.  I have distinct memories of praying for my car to make it up the ridiculously steep roads.

Jesse and I decided that we would take advantage of our evening away from Jack by staying out late (aka past 7:30 p.m.), splitting a pitcher of beer, and enjoying one anothers company.  We had a restless evening as the hotel room had blinding lights shining through the windows and noisy neighbors.  We both awakened to gunshots at some point during the night.  I suppose that's what you get for paying $30 a night for a hotel!

Sunday morning we splurged on a lavish country breakfast at Dan'l Boone Inn.  I talked to a few old co-workers who still work there.  After breakfast we headed to Moses Cone Center.  We took a spontaneous 6 mile hike.  I nicknamed Jesse the Wolly Worm Murderer as he kept accidentally stepping on wolly worms.
We were literally amidst clouds once we got to the top.  While the view was disappointing, it was an invigorating, carefree hike that we would not have been able to enjoy if Jackson were with us.

After lunch at one of Jesse's favorite pizza places, we headed back home.  We made a final stop on an overlook to admire the beauty one last time.

All in all, I could not have asked for a better trip or a better husband!


  1. I am so happy you two had a good trip! Jeff and I loved our time with Jack!

  2. Connor was sitting with me as I read this. He got super excited when he saw the picture of Jesse and Jackson. He just kept pointing to Jesse!
