
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Busy, Fun Saturday!

Our morning began by Jackson letting us sleep in until 8 o'clock!  This is completely unheard of in our house, so we were all feeling pretty darn good!

We were excited to meet up at a local kid's museum for a very cool birthday party.  On the way there, Jackson kept saying, "Connor birthday!" over and over again.  Here were some of Jackson's favorites from the museum:

Driving with his best friend, Clifford

He would have spent the entire time on the tractor if we let him!

Serving "lunch" to Daddy

Fully dressed fireman in his fire truck
After an active morning, Jackson and I settled in for a nap while Jesse began to mow the lawn.  When Jackson and I awoke, Jesse was working on blowing up Jack's pool.  Jackson was initially hesitant to get his Batman swim trunks wet.  He kept holding them up so they wouldn't dare touch the water.

Once we finally got him to understand that his shorts were supposed to get wet, Jack was rolling around, blowing bubbles in the water, dumping the water outside of the pool, and drinking the water.  He spent a solid hour happily playing in his pool while Jesse and I alternated soaking our feet in the cold water and going inside to clean/prepare for company.

The only reason Jackson got out of the pool was to see his MiMi and PaPa.  Shortly afterwards Jason, Chrissy, and Levi arrived.  We had a delicious cookout to celebrate Father's Day.  We all ate more than a healthy portion of hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, pound cake, and ice cream.  After dinner Levi and Jack literally ran circles around all of us.  Such busy boys!

Jackson, Jesse, and I spent the rest of the evening winding down in bed looking at old pictures and reading stories.  It was the perfect end to a perfect day.


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