
Monday, June 17, 2013

Successful Rainy Monday

If you know us well, you know where to find our family on a summer Monday morning.  I love to take advantage of the free IKEA breakfast, and then let Jackson play in the kids' display rooms.  Unfortunately, I had to drive separately and cut our breakfast date short because I had my weekly OB appointment.  I had been especially nervous about this appointment due to tremendous pressure and increased contractions.  Thankfully, all is still well.  I was told once again that I have a "cervix made of steel". 
Since I had an unscheduled ultrasound, my appointment took almost two hours.  Jesse and Jack went grocery shopping.  (I can't tell you how tiring walking around WalMart is!)  We were all ready for some relaxed play (play dough, reading books, and coloring) before settling in for a two hour nap. 
While this seems odd to most people, I love going to the park before it rains.  There's never anyone there so it feels like a private park.  Plus, the weather is always cooler with breezes.  After our nap and late lunch, I convinced Jesse to go with us to the park.  I used to take Jackson to the park a lot once I started working half-days in April, but I don't think Jesse had been in a while.  It's so much fun for me to see how much Jackson has grown,  He can climb on all ladders, fearlessly go down any slide, and get on and off most of the equipment by himself. 
Here are some of our outtakes:

We were able to play for nearly 45 minutes before the rain really started coming down.  Once we got home, Jackson wanted a popsicle.  We sat on the porch and watched the rain wash away our sidewalk chalk drawings and baby birds scavenge for worms.  After the rain subsided Jackson discovered the joy of splashing and jumping in puddles.  Of course, we had to roll his pants up since he's OCD about his clothes getting wet or dirty.  Though the picture doesn't convey his happiness, he was precious! 

All in all, it's been a pleasant Monday.  I really want time to slow down so I can soak up every last minute as a family of three.

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