
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Things That Make Life Easier

-Babies that can hold their own bottle.   
I've looked forward to this milestone for months.  All three have consistently been holding their bottles for a few weeks now. 
-1:1 adult-child ratio 

I look forward to weekend visits with the in-laws because I know each child will receive individual attention.  It's the only time in the week when children don't outnumber adults.
-Convertible car seats

We switched all three babies to convertible carseats when they turned 8 months old. It made no difference for Maddie because she sits in the middle.  However, it's much easier to get James and Amelia in and out of the van since we go through the hatchback. No more bulky infant carriers and worrying about hitting their heads.

Double Umbrella Stroller

While there is a time and place to use the quad stroller, I'm so much happier using this double umbrella stroller and Ergo.  I found this stroller on Craigslist for $40 about 15 minutes away.  It was an easy transaction and I've lost 85 pounds of stress trying to maneuver the beast that is the quad stroller. 

The double umbrella stroller is so light, easily fits through the doorways, and hardly takes up any space in the back of the van.  I rotate who gets to sit in the stroller rather than always wearing Maddie in the Ergo.


  1. I love our visits on Saturday's or any day for that matter! I love the Jack hugs, I love holding and loving on the babies....I just love to visit!

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