
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

In & Out

One of the trendy photos circulating on my triplet board is to take an "in and out" photo.  When I first saw a friend post her photo a few months ago, I immediately got out the calendar and figured out what my "out" date would be.  I delivered the trio on July 15 at 37 weeks and 1 day. I counted exactly 37 weeks and 1 day and landed on April 1.

It was an easy date to remember since I absolutely cannot stand April Fool's Day.  My mother played one too many pranks on us.  Jackson's due date was April 3 and I was very concerned I would deliver on April 1st.  I think that would be a miserable birthdate.  But, I digress...

So, here it is.  My favorite thing about the photo comparison is that I'm wearing the same outfit.  My blue dress was one of my many "shirts" I wore during the final weeks of pregnancy.  I was carrying over 18 pounds of babies in the final pregnancy picture. Now, 37 weeks later, I have 45 pounds of babies sitting on my lap.  Time sure has flown by!

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