
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Baby, It's Cold Outside

I guess it's not especially cold compared to other parts of the country, but any temperature below freezing is pretty darn cold. I didn't realize how much I relied on outdoor play to help break up the day. I already miss our park play dates on a whim. 

Jackson literally goes through a minimum of 5 wardrobe changes a day. Thanks to an overstock of dress up clothes, he alternates between Thor, Spiderman, Captain America, a ninja, winter soldier, skeleton, Ninja Turtle, footed pajamas, and actual clothes. 

He also has a variety of accessories with each of his outfits.

Rainy and/or cold Monday afternoons are generally spent at the rec center. I tried to put hats on the James and Amelia, but they kept ripping them off. When I wear Maddie I just pull the ergo cover over her.

Yesterday was the first time I went to the rec center with all four walkers. James walked rather than crawled almost the entire time.

This morning I wanted to take the triplets somewhere fun after dropping Jackson off at preschool. I expected it to be a long day since Jesse had to work concession stands and wouldn't be home until they were already in bed. 
I thought the mega mall was operating on early holiday hours, but when I got there at 9:15, I was disappointed to discover they don't open until 10. 
I knew the library had storytime at 10 so I drove there assuming it opened before then. No such luck. 
Refusing to wait a half hour, I drove to Ikea. Any guesses what time they open?  If you guessed 9 am, you had the same wishful thinking I did. Apparently 10 am is the magical opening hour on Tuesdays.

After driving around for nearly an hour, we ended up back at the mall where the trio happily played. 

Of course I have never put any money in those rides, even for Jackson. My kids don't know the difference. I let the trio walk around the mall for a few minutes. They did a pretty good job, but definitely required the stroller.

Now I just need to find some winter hats that velcro, toss a jacket on them, and embrace the cold weather outdoors.

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