
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

DPK: Big Kids Water Edition

I don't know what it is about a kid in a hat and gloves, but I had to take a picture of Jackson's cuteness before walking him into school this morning. Sometimes I just have to tackle him with kisses and tickle him because he is so silly and sweet.

I took the trio to baby story time at the library this morning. Even though this specific story time is intended for kids under 18 months, my babes were the oldest and the only walkers. They clearly belong in the toddler story time. We had a moderate amount of fun. One of my librarian friends actually held Maddie in her lap and did all the motions and sign language with her while I corralled James and Amelia. The highlight was the bubbles. I don't know what kind of bubbles these librarians use, but they don't pop when they land on the ground or a person. 

The trio took an abbreviated nap before we picked Jackson up from preschool. We headed for our weekly trip to Discovery Place Kids. The blog-worthy news is that the trio had full reign of the big kids water area for the first time today. (The first "water edition" post was 10 months ago. It's hard to believe how much has changed since then.)

I've been hesitant because the floor surrounding it is an inch deep in water depending on how aggressive people play with the water. James is notorious for dumping water on himself and his siblings, and all three are fairly new walkers. I've been avoiding three drenched toddlers. James ended up with a completely soaked shirt, which happens at the small water table anyway. The girls stayed relatively dry. I was expecting them to fall and sit in a huge puddle on the floor or dump bowls of water on each other. 

I always like to see all four kids play together.

Jackson played in the boat. He insisted that everyone wear life jackets.

It was another day full of fun indoor adventure.

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