
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Birthday Party and Christmas Tree Lighting

Saturday evening was spent celebrating our cousin, Payton's, 6th birthday. 
Jackson disappeared in the living room along with his cousins. The triplets were passed around among the adults. There was plenty of kid-friendly food, though Maddie was quite temperamental and didn't eat for nearly an hour. Amelia created a game of shoving crackers into her MiMi's mouth. James was content eating in family members laps.

After the birthday party, we reunited at the annual Christmas tree lighting a half hour later. 

We let the triplets roam around a bit, though it was so dark and late they were happier being passed back and forth between their Mommy, Daddy, and MiMi.

The highlight of the evening was a fireworks show after the tree lighting. Amelia and Maddie were frightened by the sounds but enjoyed the colorful lights. James was nearly asleep by that point.

It was another busy, fun day preparing for the holiday season with family.

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