
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Christmas Cards

Jackson's preschool offers fall and spring pictures each year. They allow siblings to come. I decided to attempt a photo with all four two weeks ago. I dressed each of the kids in coordinating outfits. I tried to take a photo of Maddie, Amelia, and James beforehand. I was pretty skeptical of how they would do during the photo shoot considering I couldn't even get a picture of them looking at me.
The preschool director was surprisingly accommodating and allowed us to play in the nursery while we waited for our turn.
There were some unusual toys in the nursery. This Biblical superhero cracked me up.

Amelia and I were equally perplexed by the replica of the tiny table.

Last week our pictures were ready to pick up. I was pleasantly surprised to see this winning pose. I purchased three sheets of wallets.
 Last year I spent way too many hours trying to coordinate a Pinterest inspired Christmas card. The end result was a Pinterest fail, though we still went with it. This year I decided to use basic Christmas cards I already had and stick a wallet picture in each one. I am relieved at how effortless our Christmas cards were to make and send this year.

I'm so happy to have checked off a tedious Christmas task so I can experience the joy of the Christmas season.

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